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Perusina, Perusino, Tupac und das Abenteuer der Chicha Morada

Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the Adventure of Chicha Morada

It was a hot day in the land of the Incas, and Perusina, Perusino and Tupac were sweating under the blazing sun. They were on their way back to the palace after helping to harvest the corn fields. Everyone was thirsty and tired.

Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the Adventure of Chicha Morada

"We urgently need something to drink!" groaned Perusino. "Something refreshing, cold - preferably something that tastes really good."

"I heard there's a special kind of corn in the mountains that's perfect for a new drink," said Tupac. "Maybe we should go find it and try to brew something!"

Perusina looked at her friends and nodded determinedly. "A new drink? That would be exciting! Let's leave immediately."

The search for the special corn

The three friends set off into the mountains to find the special corn. They had heard that there was purple corn that grew in the higher valleys and was supposed to be very special. But the way there was not easy. The path led them through dense forests and over rocky hills.

Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes. Perusina stopped and looked carefully around the corner. There was a big, wild tapi*, obviously looking for the same thing as her - the fresh cornfield! The tapir snorted and greedily ate the corn they were trying to find.

The search for the special corn

“This can’t be true!” whispered Perusino. “He’s eating our corn!”

"We have to lure him away somehow," Tupac said thoughtfully. "Maybe we have something he'll like even better?"

Perusina searched through her bag and found some fresh mangoes that they had brought with them. "How about this?" she asked, holding up the juicy fruit.

"This could work!" said Tupac and took the mangos. He carefully threw them in the direction of the tapir, who curiously raised his head and smelled the sweet fruit. The tapir slowly trotted in the direction of the mangos and left the corn behind.

“Now, hurry!” Perusino shouted. The three friends ran to the field and began picking the purple corn cobs while the tapir was distracted.

The Wild River

After they had collected enough purple corn, they made their way back to the palace. But suddenly they heard a loud, rushing noise - the river they had to cross had swollen! The current was far too strong to simply wade across.

"What should we do?" Perusina asked worriedly. "We have to bring the corn back safely."

Tupac looked around and spotted some felled trees nearby. "We could build a raft!" he suggested. "That way we could cross the river without getting sucked in."

Perusino and Perusina nodded, and all three began to quickly tie the logs together. They used vines and ropes to stabilize the raft. "It has to hold!" Tupac said determinedly.

The Wild River After they had collected enough purple corn, they made their way back to the palace. But suddenly they heard a loud, rushing noise - the river they had to cross had swollen! The current was far too strong to simply wade across. "What should we do?" Perusina asked worriedly. "We have to bring the corn back safely." Tupac looked around and spotted some felled trees nearby. "We could build a raft!" he suggested. "That would allow us to cross the river without being pulled in." Perusino and Perusina nodded, and all three of them quickly began to tie the tree trunks together. They used vines and ropes to stabilize the raft. "It has to hold!" Tupac said determinedly. When the raft was ready, they put it in the water and carefully climbed in. The current immediately caught the raft and carried it down the river at great speed. "Hold on tight!" Perusino shouted as the raft rocked over the wild waves. The water splashed in all directions and the friends had to hold on tightly to the logs to avoid falling overboard. Perusina held the corn cobs tightly to her chest so they wouldn't lose them. After a while the river calmed down and the children were able to steer the raft safely to the bank. "That was close!" Perusina said and laughed with relief. "But we made it!"

When the raft was ready, they put it in the water and climbed in carefully. The current immediately caught the raft and carried it down the river at great speed.

"Hold on tight!" Perusino shouted as the raft rocked over the wild waves. The water splashed in all directions and the friends had to hold on tightly to the logs to avoid falling overboard. Perusina held the ears of corn tightly to her chest so they wouldn't lose them.

After a while, the river calmed down and the children were able to steer the raft safely to the bank. "That was close!" said Perusina and laughed with relief. "But we made it!"

The Experiment in the Palace

Back at the palace, the friends put the corn in the kitchen. They wanted to invent a new drink that would be refreshing and delicious. Perusino took a large pot and filled it with water while Tupac put the purple corn in it.

"Now we have to cook it," Tupac explained. "But there's still something missing..."

Perusina thought for a moment and then said, "What about cinnamon? I've heard that cinnamon gives a good flavor." She took out a few cinnamon sticks and put them in the water.

"And what about fruit?" asked Perusino, looking at the table where there were still some pieces of pineapple. "Maybe it will be even better if we add that."

The Experiment in the Palace

They added the pineapple pieces and let everything cook together. Soon a sweet smell spread throughout the palace and the other villagers came curiously into the kitchen to see what the three friends were doing.

“What smells so good here?” asked Amaru, Tupac’s mother, as she came into the kitchen.

“We are inventing a new drink!” Tupac declared proudly.

The Great Tasting

When the drink was ready, they left it to cool. Perusino took a spoon and was the first to taste it. His eyes widened. "This is delicious! I've never had anything like it!"

The Great Tasting

Amaru also tried it and nodded with a smile. "This is really something special. I think we should call it **Chicha Morada** - the purple drink that carries the power of the mountains!"

The friends distributed the drink to the villagers and everyone loved it. They loved the fruity, refreshing taste and the special color. Perusina, Perusino and Tupac were very proud of their invention.

"We did it!" Perusina said happily. "We created something new and it tastes so good!"

"Yes," added Perusino. "But the best thing was that we did it together - no matter how difficult the path was."

“On to the next adventure!” Tupac shouted, raising his mug.

The friends clinked glasses and drank the delicious purple drink, knowing that this was just the beginning of many more adventures - and that they could always work together to achieve anything.

"Sleep, my child, in Peru,
Llamas rest, clouds close.
The moon shines brightly on mountain and valley,
Sweet dreams in the starbeam. 🌙✨"
"Sleep, my child, in Peru, llamas rest, clouds close. The moon shines brightly on mountain and valley, dreams sweet in the starlight. 🌙✨"
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