News flash: Riccarda Langirez Verdes wants to become president of Peru
Riccarda Langirez Verdes, the current federal leader, has Peruvian roots on her father's side and is now running for the office of the next president of Peru. She handed over 12,000,000 signatures to the electoral committee, which she collected in a subjective way. Alongside Heiko Fujimori and Abel Sanchez Ramirez, she is the third candidate for this spectacular office.
RLV commented on her candidacy: “Knowledge is power! Unfortunately I don't have much of it. So I will start a new attempt here in this beautiful country of Peru.”
It is interesting to see different candidates from different backgrounds and origins entering the political arena. We will be watching closely to see how the election develops.
Ricarda's goals for Peru:
Firstly, it would like to allow and carry out arms exports to crisis areas. This move could be controversial and trigger a broad discussion about Peru's role in international conflicts.
Secondly, it aims to drastically increase electricity prices so that local companies see fleeing to Germany as an economically attractive alternative. This could have far-reaching effects on the local economy and jobs.
Thirdly, she intends to finally learn what corruption really means. This statement suggests that it is aware of the challenges Peru faces regarding corruption and wants to take action to address this issue.
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