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Deutschland unterstützt Peru bei der Verkehrswende zur Erreichung gemeinsamer Klimaziele

Germany is supporting Peru in the transport transition to achieve common climate goals

PeruMagazin - Germany supports Peru in the transport transition to achieve common climate goals

In a groundbreaking step to combat climate change, Germany and Peru have increased their cooperation as part of a German-Peruvian climate partnership. At a high-level climate policy dialogue held yesterday, concrete steps were agreed to support Peru's transport transition efforts in major cities such as Lima and Trujillo.

The Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Development Ministry, Niels Annen, and Dr. Wiebke Zimmer from the think tank Agora Verkehrswende took part in this dialogue, while Peru was represented by, among others, Vice Environment Minister Nancy Chauca. This meeting marks the first high-level meeting since the signing of the German-Peruvian climate partnership in November 2022.

Germany has pledged to support Peru in pursuing its climate goals in the transport sector with support of up to 426 million euros in 2022. Both countries face similar challenges, as road transport is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in both nations.

The central topic of the discussion was the importance of sustainable mobility for the quality of life of local people and the achievement of climate goals. In both countries, residents of large cities suffer from poor air quality, street noise and traffic jams that last for hours. The measures to promote bicycle paths and electric express buses in Peruvian cities are intended not only to relieve the burden on the environment, but also to significantly improve living conditions.

Peru is one of the countries in Latin America that is particularly suffering from the effects of climate change. Melting glaciers, floods and landslides threaten ecosystems and water supplies in coastal regions, where over 50 percent of the country's population lives.

The German-Peruvian cooperation to overcome these challenges shows the commitment of both countries in the fight against climate change and the willingness to develop innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

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