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Perusina, Perusino, Tupac und die wilde Wasserrutsche der Inkas

Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

It was a hot, sunny day in the land of the Incas, and Perusina, Perusino and Tupac were almost melting under the sun. "I can't go on!" groaned Perusino and lay down on the ground. "It's so hot that even the stones are sweating!"
Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

“Yeah, and I sweat more than a llama running up a mountain!” Tupac added with a laugh.

“If only we had a way to cool down,” Perusina sighed, fanning herself with a large leaf.

Suddenly they heard a loud rushing noise. It sounded like water trickling down from a high mountain. "What was that?" Tupac asked curiously.

"Let's go and see!" Perusino shouted, jumping up. "Maybe there's a waterfall somewhere around here and we can cool off!"

The Discovery of the Water Slide

The three friends ran up the hill, following the sound of the water. When they reached the top, they were met with an incredible sight: a huge, natural watercourse winding through the mountains and flowing into a sparkling pool.
Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

“Wow!” Perusina exclaimed. “It looks like a water slide!”

Tupac laughed. "This is no ordinary slide - this is the biggest water slide I've ever seen! It could catapult us straight into the sky!"

"We have to try them out!" Perusino shouted excitedly. "Come on, who's first?"

The three friends stood at the edge of the water slide. It was long, curvy and looked pretty fast. Water shot down the hill and sprayed in all directions.

“Are you sure this is safe?” asked Perusina, looking skeptically at the foaming waves.

"Are you sure? No!" Perusino shouted and laughed. "But it's going to be so cool!"

The wild start

Perusino bravely sat down on the edge of the slide. "I'll go first!" he announced proudly. He took a deep breath and pushed himself off with a powerful jerk. Suddenly he shot down the mountain like lightning.
Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

"Wooo-hooo!" Perusino screamed as the water swept him along at full speed. He was whirled around the curves, spraying water in all directions, and suddenly the slide made a steep downward turn.

"Aaaaaah!" screamed Perusino as he was catapulted into the air with a giant leap. For a moment he flew through the air as if he had wings before falling into the pool of water at the bottom of the slide with a loud **splash!**.

Perusina and Tupac could hardly contain their laughter. "That was unbelievable!" Tupac shouted. "Now it's my turn!"

Tupac the Turbo Flyer

Tupac climbed onto the slide and took a huge leap. The water immediately shot him forward, and he slid even faster than Perusino.
Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

"Hold on tight, guys!" Tupac screamed as he sped through the curves, water splashing around him. As the next climb came, Tupac shot into the air with such force that it almost looked like he was flying.

“I’m a flying condor!” Tupac shouted, laughing, as he soared through the air and landed in the water next to Perusino with a loud **splash!**.

"That was absolutely amazing!" he exclaimed as he brushed the water out of his hair. "Who would have thought that a water slide could go so fast!"

Perusina the Whirlwind

Now it was Perusina's turn. "Okay, now I'll show you how to really slide!" she said determinedly. She sat down on the edge of the slide and bravely slid down.
Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

As soon as the water caught her, she spun wildly in circles, like a little whirlwind. "Aaaaaah!" Perusina screamed as she hurtled down the mountain like a top. She was thrown through the curves, spinning all the time, and when the big downhill ramp came, she spun even faster.

“I’m a tornado!” she shouted, laughing, before she too flew into the air and landed with a huge **splash!** in the pool next to the others.

“That was the best!” Perusina exclaimed, wiping the water from her face. “I spun like a real whirlwind princess!”

The sliding adventure picks up speed

After sliding a few times, the friends came up with a crazy idea. "What if we all slide at the same time?" asked Perusino, grinning.

"Yeah!" Tupac shouted. "Triple slide!"
Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

The three of them stood next to each other at the edge of the water slide and counted out loud: “One… two… three… SLIDE!”

With a collective push, all three of them slid off at the same time. The water sprayed in all directions as they raced side by side through the curves. They laughed so loudly that they almost lost their balance.

But suddenly they rammed into each other, and at a particularly tight corner they went off in a chaotic spiral. "Aaaah!" Perusina cried as she slammed into Tupac, who in turn slammed into Perusino. They spun around wildly and were thrown in all directions.

“We are a carousel!” laughed Perusino as they continued to spin.

When they finally reached the final incline, all three of them were catapulted into the air at the same time. For a brief moment they flew like birds before falling into the pool of water together with a huge **splash!**.

"That was the wildest ride ever!" laughed Tupac as they surfaced. "I think I still have water in my ears!"

The Water Slide Masters

After many more attempts at sliding and countless funny moments, the three friends decided that they had had enough for the day. They lay exhausted but happy at the edge of the pool and looked back at the slide.
Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the wild water slide of the Incas

“We are now officially the water slide masters of the Inca Empire!” Perusino declared proudly.

“Yes, nobody slides as crazy as we do!” Perusina added, laughing.

"And the best part?" Tupac asked, grinning. "We had a lot of fun!"

“On to our next adventure!” all three shouted at the same time and high-fived each other.

With a smile on their faces, they set off home, wet, tired and ready for their next adventure. Because whether it was on wild water slides or in the highest mountains - together they could experience anything!

"Sleep, my child, in Peru,
Llamas rest, clouds close.
The moon shines brightly on mountain and valley,
Sweet dreams in the starbeam. 🌙✨"
Previous article Perusina, Perusino and Tupac: Adventures in the Inca School
Next article Perusina, Perusino, Tupac and the crazy race of the Inca llamas

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